Choosing to Live Intentionally
Jul 28, 2015 11:25:40 AM
Everything about our lives is a choice, the question is, are we conscious or unconscious about the choices we make. We each can choose to flow through the day and let it happen or dig in deep and create a life that serves a greater purpose. Maybe there is even a middle ground, a place that exists that is both flow and intention.
Blah, blah, blah. You’ve heard this before. Eyes rolling back…zoning out. Why does it have to be so complicated? Just live life. Be present, and live in the moment. Okay…noted…I get it! And just maybe one can live in the moment and be intentional. I am ever on the path to learning how.
There are days that I am just too tired, or distracted, and I don’t want to do the hard work it takes to live with full intention. I settle…a bit (a lot) and I hope it’s okay to be intentional say 75% of the time. And with huge helpings of unconsciousness, I think, isn’t ignorance just the purest form of bliss? “Yes, thank you, I will have French fries with that, and another glass of wine would be so perfect…and I know how important that is to you, but I just have to handle one more thing first…can it wait?”
Today I don’t have the energy to aspire to 80% intentionality, but what if I could choose to live the life that was intended for me? What if I had all the well being, happiness, and joy that was available? What are the choices that I need to make to be in that flow? I find that choosing to live intentionally requires me to stop, now and again, and take stock.
It all starts with self-awareness. Assessments can kick start the process and remind us of who we are and where to pay attention. Coaching is also a great option to explore and discover what to focus on now. From the place of deeply knowing yourself, an informed decision, a true choice can be made about what to do. It’s decision time. Choosing action without self-awareness is foolishness. An emotional connection to what matters most fuels action.
If it’s time to dig in deep and get focused on your career, work, or personal goals call us at 303-238-9733 or email me at ds*******@xp******.com.
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Deb Siverson is a seasoned executive coach, certified as a PCC through the International Coach Federation. If you want to schedule time to discuss how you or your organization can increase engagement by having a different conversation at work, contact us now.