Apr 9, 2014 3:58:12 PM
Being oblivious is another form of stuck. I am not talking about avoidance, or turning a blind eye, but rather being completely unaware. Those unconscious parts of oneself are real even when they go unseen. They exist.
I recently had an example of this on two different levels.
The first was related to the process of selling our home. As we moved through to the Inspection phase there were two significant issues that were revealed to us. Evidently with older homes they now run mini-cameras through sewer lines. We were unaware of any problem but the Inspectors were able to determine that there was a weakness that would eventually create a fallure. Next, an old crack in the basement wall, that had been repaired before our time, became the subject of many debates. Three structural engineers later, each with a different view of severity and solution had my husband and I dazed and confused. This lovely old home that appeared so strong at first glance was flawed.
The second example relates to this old “house” that I live in… the one I carry with me everywhere I go. As we moved Into deeper levels of uncertainty about the state of our home and how much it would cost to resolve the issues, my physical body became noticeably stressed. Sleep disruption, exhaustion and anxiety quickly Impacted my well-being. I thought I was pretty centered and grounded, and then I wasn’t. This old girl who appeared to be on solid ground was brought down by ambiguity.
I have been observing myself these past few days, and what I realize is that my sense of security is strongly linked to how I manage my physical environment. I carefully bulld a fortress in my own mind. A place that keeps me safe.
I remind myself that the crack was there all along. Not knowing doesn’t change things…except my reality.
Flaws are the outcome of the world pushing on us, and how we give in to that pressure in small and big ways. Just like my sweet old house is slowly giving way under the earth’s power, I give way with uncertainty and ambiguity. These are not events deserving of shame, but a complex and intricate part of the richness that creates our character.
Flaws are the outcome of the world pushing on us, and how we give in to that pressure in small and big ways. Just like my sweet old house is slowly giving way under the earth’s power, I give way with uncertainty and ambiguity. These are notevents deserving of shame, but a complex and intricate part of the richness that creates our character.
Down deep below our consciousness are truths that when revealed can unhinge our reality. Staying oblivious is another form of being stuck. The Cycle of Transformation begins with feeling enough safety inside yourself to explore new and deeper levels of awareness.
If you like this blog, I think you will like my book the Cycle of Transformation. Available for order soon!